AUDITORY test results have been reported previously for 53 cases of acoustic neuromas1 and for a larger series of 110 space-filling lesions.2 It was considered desirable to investigate the auditory findings for the same tests in a considerably larger series of cases. The present article reports the auditory findings in 163 cases of surgically confirmed retrocochlear lesions. One-hundred forty of the cases reported in this study involved the removal of an acoustic neuroma. Eleven of the cases turned out to be meningiomas; six cases were primary cholesteatomas; there were two hemangiomas; two seventh nerve neuromas; one hemangioendothelioma; and one hemangiosarcoma. The patient responses to audiologic testing for all 163 cases were grouped together and analyzed for purposes of this study. The description of the auditory tests important to the differential diagnosis of retrocochlear lesions has been adequately reported in previous publications.3-7 Patient responses to each of the