Injection of 0.5-1 cc. dist. H2O per kgm. produced marked but brief decrease in renal volume. The norm was regained in 1 to 2 min. Bl. press. was not affected. The decrease in vol. was due to the osmotic effect of dist. H2O. The action is specific for the kidney and the mechanism is peripheral for similar results were obtained on denervated kidneys. Dist. H2O caused specific vasoconstriction of renal vessels due to periph. stim. Inj. of laked bl. made hypertonic with NaCl had the same effect as dist. H2O. Cells and plasma of normal bl. were separated and treated with dist. H2O and injected, after being made, hypertonic with NaCl. Injection of plasma gave no decrease in vol. Injection of cells produced a marked decrease. R. concludes that decrease in volume is due to some substance produced by distilled H2O injuring the eryth-rocytes and which causes specific vasoconstriction of renal vessels.

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