Human endothelial cells produce orosomucoid, an important component of the capillary barrier

The serum protein orosomucoid (α1-acid glycoprotein) is needed to maintain the high capillary permselectivity required for normal homeostasis. It is not known how the protein executes its action, but it seems to contribute to the charge barrier. Moreover, recent studies suggest that the endothelial glycocalyx is essential for the charge barrier. The main site of orosomucoid synthesis is the liver, but we wanted to explore the possibility that orosomucoid was synthesized in endothelial cells. Primary cultures of human microvascular endothelial cells (HMVEC) from dermal tissue were established. Human liver cells were used as positive controls, and total RNA was prepared from both cell types. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed and demonstrated orosomucoid expression. After RT-PCR, the identities of the PCR products were confirmed by sequencing. RNase protection assay performed on total RNA from the HMVEC confirmed the results from the RT-PCR, i.e., orosomucoid mRNA is expressed by endothelial cells. Synthesis of orosomucoid in both liver and endothelial cells was demonstrated by immunoprecipitation. In conclusion, endothelial cells normally produce orosomucoid, which is essential for capillary charge selectivity. We suggest that orosomucoid exerts its effect by interacting with other components of the endothelial glycocalyx.