High-Magnetic-Field Specific Heat of a Low-Dislocation-Density Alloy Superconductor

The Specific heat C of a well-annealed alloy V-5 at.% Ta, measured at 1.4T5 °K in steady magnetic fields, displays sharp, bulk, superconducting transitions at upper critical fields Hc2 a factor 10 larger than the calorimetrically derived thermodynamic critical fields Hc. The transitions are similar to those observed earlier by Morin etal.1 in V3Ga, but in the present case it is unlikely that the bulk nature of the high-field transitions can be attributed to a nearly complete occupation of the specimen volume by dislocation-centered high-field superconducting filaments of diameter comparable to the penetration depth, since electron transmission microscopy studies on an identically prepared specimen indicate that in at least 95% of the specimen volume the mean separation between dislocations is greater than 1.4×104 cm. However, the present data are explicable on the basis of the Ginzburg-Landau-Abrikosov-Gor'kov theory with a parameter κHc22Hc7. The transition specific heat jumps ΔC(Ts)γTs=1.44,1.15,1.10,0.94 occur at Ts=4.30,4.09,3.85,3.37 °K in fields H=0,1,2,4 kG, respectively, where γ normal state electronic specific heat coefficient = 9.20 mJ/mole (K°)2. The ΔC(Ts) values are in fair agreement with those calculated via Ehrenfest's equation for second-order phase transitions using Abrikosov's theoretical value of (IH)T at Ts for κ=7, where I magnetization. For (TsT)1.8, CesγTs=a exp(bTsT) with a=8.95,6.24,5.01,4.7;b=1.48,1.28,1.17,1.1; for H=0,1,2,4 kG, respectively, where Ces is the electronic contribution to the specific heat. The exponential temperature dependence of Ces down to 1.4°K suggests an essentially everywhere finite, field-dependent, high-field energy gap in accord with Abrikosov's vortex model.