Utilization of digital computers to distinguish boundaries of beds and identify sandstones from electric log data

Algorithms are presented for the location of sandstones and of the rock layer boundaries in a sand-clay deposit ( according to the electrical logs) and for their programming. The presentation of data for the computer interpretation, the location of sandstones according to the SP curve, and the location of boundaries according to the resistivity curves are discussed. It is concluded that 1) The electrical logs should be presented in the form of a set of numbers, with constant vertical intervals between the numbers; 2) the layer boundaries are determined according to the characteristic points of the curve (maximum, minimum, inflection) which can be found by a computer, according to the difference between the adjacent numbers and the change of the sign of this difference; and 3) the algorithms presented make it possible to locate the boundaries and to differentiate the homogeneous layers according to one curve. -- Petroleum Abstracts.