The nutritive value of Astrebla elymoides, A. pectinata, Chrysopogon fallax, Iseilema vaginiflorum, Neptunia monosperma from black soil plains (BSP) pasture land; and Plectrachne pungens, Chrysopogon fallax, Sorghum plumosum, and Eriachne obtusa of curly spinifex-ribbon grass (CSRC;) pasture land, was assessed over the period October 1975 to October 1977 at the Fitzroy Pastoral Research Station, north Western Australia. Seasonal trends in crude protein, crude fibre. phosphorus. calcium and in vitro digestibility, together with some physiological parameters are described for each species. BSP pastures were found to be higher in crude protein, lower in crude fibre and more digestible than CSRG pasture species. Crude protein contents of most BSP pasture species were sufficient for maintenance of cattle during the dry season while CSRG species were below maintenance All species were deficient in phosphorus over the dry season and some species were marginal to deficient over the wet season.