Two main source areas of heavy minerals in tills have been defined in the Great Lakes region: a source in the Superior and Southern Provinces and another in the Grenville Province. The Superior–Southern source is typified by low heavy mineral content and high epidote percentage in contrast to the Grenville source which has a high content of heavy minerals of which garnet, tremolite, and to a lesser extent sphene and orthopyroxene are characteristic. The Huron lobe tills have a mineral suite characteristic of the Superior–Southern source. Two subsources can be distinguished in the Superior–Southern area; however, they are too limited in extent to be characteristic of major glacial lobes. Two other subsources have been identified in the Grenville provenance area: a western Grenville subsource containing abundant garnet and having a low purple–red garnet ratio; and an eastern Grenville subsource distinguished by high garnet and tremolite content and a garnet ratio generally greater than one. The western and eastern Grenville subsources are the provenance areas for the tills of the Georgian Bay lobe and the Ontario–Erie lobe respectively. A possible third Grenville subsource in the Adirondack Mountains is distinguished from other Grenville sources by a lower heavy mineral content and more abundant orthopyroxene and magnetic minerals. This assemblage may be characteristic of the southern portion of the Ontario–Erie lobe.