Granuloma inguinale is a disease found chiefly in the subtropics, but during the last ten years sporadic cases have been reported from many localities in this country, especially in the South. In Charleston, S. C., it is fairly common; the genito-urinary department of Roper Hospital informs me that it treats about twenty-five cases a year. Kenneth M. Lynch1of Charleston and Meredith F. Campbell2of New York are to be credited with the most comprehensive study of this condition that has been made in this country. The organisms that are supposed to be the cause of this disease were first described by Donovan in 1905 and are called Donovan bodies. The method for demonstrating this organism is as follows: A portion of ulceration is selected where the ulceration appears to be spreading, not healing. Wet dressings of physiologic solution of sodium chloride are applied to this area for