Comparative Dynamics of Australasian Rabbit-Populations

Shot samples of rabbits were collected over several years at 11 sites in Australia and one in New Zealand. At any one site, pregnancy rates and litter sizes vary both with age of mother and with time of year. Few rabbits become pregnant before the age of 19 weeks; pregnancy rate increases until the full adult rate is achieved about 27 weeks old. Litter size is also affected by age, adult litter size being reached by females at about 43 weeks old. Rates and timing of reproduction vary greatly from site to site in response to local conditions. The annual production of young per fully adult female is highest at Wairarapa, N.Z. (53 young) and lowest in the semiarid (17) and subalpine (15) environments. At six of the sites cohorts of marked rabbits provided estimates of seasonal survival rates; survival improves with age but becomes relatively constant in rabbits aged more than 24 weeks; survival patterns differ between sites. Life tables were constructed combining the information on reproduction and survival. Their possible usefulness is discussed.