33 specimens of human endo-metria were analyzed chemically for glycogen, by freezing in CO2, using Pfluger''s method for the separation of glycogen, inversion with HC1, and method of Miller and Van Slyke for glucose content. Twenty two specimens in the proliferative stage contained less glycogen on the avg. than did 5 specimens in the interval stage. Increasing amts. were found in the differentiative stage samples. Histological studies on serial sections of these tissues were run simultaneously and stained with Delafield''s hematoxylin and Best''s carmine stains. Controls for mucin were run in serial sections stained with Delafield''s hematoxylin and Mayer''s mucicarmine method. Glycogen was found entirely within the glandular epithelium, being less demonstrable in the proliferative stage than in the interval and differentiative stages, thus paralleling the chemical detns. Mucin was present only in the lumen of the glands and was increased in the interval and differentiative stages.