Decay of nuclear magnetization by diffusion in a parabolic magnetic field: An exactly solvable model

An exact expression for the decay of the transverse magnetization of spins diffusing in a field (B0+g1z+g2 z2)z^ reveals that a natural length scale lc=(8Dg2 )1/4, and a frequency associated with it Ω0=4D/lc2 govern the problem. Here D is the diffusion constant and γ is the gyromagnetic ratio. lc is the size of the packet of magnetization at long times, i.e., Ω0t≫1. For porous media we estimate lc∼(Rp l* )1/2 where Rp is the pore size and l*2=D/Δω, where Δω is the spread in Larmor frequency (inhomogeneous broadening). For typical experimental conditions, l*∼3 μm; therefore in rocks the effects of the extrema of the magnetic field can be as important as the wall effects. To estimate finite-pore-size effects we localize the spins in a potential well of size Rp.