Among methods used for a study of nuclear details in the development of pollen grains, the following were found to be very satisfactory: (1) warming the entire grains in aceto-carmine and then clearing with chloral hydrate; (2) making smear preparations stained with crystal-violet-iodine or iron alum hematoxylin. For paraffin sections, a counterstain with dilute alcoholic erythrosin is often very useful after the usual iron hematoxylin technic. A method of making cultures of pollen tubes on slides coated with thin films of sugar agar is described in detail. The tubes can be fixed by immersing the slide in formol-acetic-alcohol and then stained by any desired schedule. Iron alum hematoxylin was found to be the most satisfactory, but the Feulgen reaction is very valuable in such cases where the nuclei are obscured by the density of the pollen tube cytoplasm. Living pollen tubes can be kept under observation by dissolving a small quantity of neutral red or other vital stain in the sugar agar before it is spread on the slide. For studying stages in fertilization or gametogenesis, styles should be fixed and sectioned only after a preliminary study with iodine-chloral-hydrate or safranin-anilin-blue or aceto-carmine. Once the extent to which pollen tubes grow in a given time in the stylar tissues has been determined, it is possible to fix material with some knowledge of what it is going to show. Some other methods, that have not been tried by the authors but appear to be valuable, are also briefly described.