CoF2 is a simple two-sublattice antiferromagnet and has a rutile crystal structure. Each Co++ ion is surrounded by a rhombically distorted octahedron of fluorine anions and the crystal-field parameters are known from an analysis of infrared absorption measurements. A good description of a single Co++ system can be obtained in terms of a spin Hamiltonian with S=32. In this paper, an exchange Hamiltonian for the entire lattice is determined in which the only unknowns are the exchange parameters J1 and J2 describing interactions between nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor Co++ ions, respectively. The resulting intermediate coupling problem is attacked by spin-wave methods, introducing operators which represent deviations of spin from the molecular-field ground state. The parameters J1 and J2 are determined by calculating the antiferromagnetic resonance frequency and the temperature dependence of sublattice magnetization, and by fitting theory to experiment. We find that J1 is very small and probably ferromagnetic. With the exchange Hamiltonian now completely determined, a molecular-field treatment is shown to reproduce closely the measured parallel and perpendicular magnetic susceptibilities in the temperature range 0 to 300°K (except in the immediate vicinity of the Néel temperature), and is used to discuss the nuclear magnetic resonance of Co59 in CoF2.