Chromosomes form into seven groups in hexaploid and tetraploid wheat as a prelude to meiosis

Hexaploid wheat possesses 42 chromosomes derived from its three ancestral genomes. The 21 pairs of chromosomes can be further divided into seven groups of six chromosomes (one chromosome pair being derived from each of the three ancestral genomes), based on the similarity of their gene order. Previous studies have revealed that, during anther development, the chromosomes associate in 21 pairs via their centromeres. The present study reveals that, as a prelude to meiosis, these 21 chromosome pairs in hexaploid (and tetraploid) wheat associate via the centromeres into seven groups as the telomeres begin to cluster. This results in the association of multiple chromosomes, which then need to be resolved as meiosis progresses. The formation of the seven chromosome clusters now explains the occasional occurrence of remnants of multiple associations, which have been reported at later stages of meiosis in hexaploid (and tetraploid) wheat. Importantly, the chromosomes have the opportunity to be resorted via these multiple interactions. As meiosis progresses, such interactions are resolved through the action of loci such as Ph1, leaving chromosomes as homologous pairs.