While the critical activities of the Augustan era, as we have seen, had mainly to do with poetry, at the same time there was not wanting discussion on matters relating to oratory and prose style; and in order to realise fully the critical development at this date, some estimate must be formed of the work done in this particular field. Already a new direction had been given to rhetorical teaching by Cicero. Basing his theories mainly on Aristotle and Isocrates, he had endeavoured to establish in oratory the traditions and methods of classical Greece; and while condemning alike the florid Asianism and the narrow Atticist tendencies then current, he had set before his generation a finer and a more complete conception of the nature of oratory. In the Augustan era that followed, this same task, with some difference, was carried on by Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Animated by the same general aim, he too made it his business to recommend as models the best Attic orators; and it was work for which in some ways he was better equipped than Cicero. As a Greek, for instance, he brought to his task the finer perception of one for whom Greek was the native language; so that he is more keenly alive to the excesses of Asianism, as well as to the lights and shades of Attic oratory. And if he fails to treat the subject in the large and persuasive fashion of Cicero, if too his methods and emphasis are somewhat different, his results nevertheless are of the highest significance. Amongst other things he calls attention to certain aspects of prose style which hitherto had been but cursorily handled; and in his judgments on Attic oratory we have what 105is perhaps the most considerable body of literary appreciations that has come down from antiquity.