Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was injected unilaterally into the lateral geniculate nucleus or tectum, or both, in 26 hooded rats in order to mark the exact extent of the retina from which uncrossed optic axons arise. This region occupied about a quarter of the retina, in the temporal periphery, following thalamic injections, but a much smaller region following tectal injections. By comparing the proportions of HRP positive neurones in nasal and temporal retinae of both eyes it was shown that: (1) within the region supplying uncrossed axons the majority of the ganglion cells nevertheless project contralaterally, (2) a large proportion of the ganglion cells from the temporal crescent project bilaterally, which does not occur from the remainder of the retina, (3) ganglion cells of all sizes contribute to both ipsilateral and contralateral projections. The results also support earlier suggestions that the smallest neurones in the ganglion cell layer do not send an axon into the brain, and are therefore not ganglion cells