Sequential Decays of the Υ″

We have studied the decay chain Υ″→χb(χb)γ→Υ′(Υ)γγ→μμ(ee)γγwith the CUSB II detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring. For a sample of 1.33×106 Υ″'s we find ≈400 events. We measure branching ratios forχbJ→Υ′(Υ)γ and, using calculated E1 rates, we derive total and hadronic widths of theχb states. From these widths we obtain values of as in the range between 0.13 and 0.21, in agreement with other determinations. We observe the suppressed decay Υ″→χbγ. The measured branching ratio suggests that relativistic effects are important. We also determine the branching ratios for Υ″→Υ′π0 π0 to be (1.3±0.4±0.2)% andΥ″→Υπ0 π0 to be (1.8±0.3±0.2)%. © 1991 The American Phsyical Society