Ultrasonic Attenuation near the Soft-Mode Transition in KMnF3

The frequency and temperature dependence of the longitudinal ultrasonic attenuation along the [123] direction of KMnF3 has been measured above the structural phase transition near TA=186 K. The attenuation of 30, 90, and 270-MHz sound was measured and was found to have a critical contribution which diverges as Δα=Aωxεη (with x=1.18±0.03 and η=1.30±0.04) in the region 0.001<ε<0.10, where ε=(TTA)TA. Additional data taken at 150 MHz support this conclusion. The best fits over the whole range of ε were found by allowing the background attenuation to be a varying parameter of the fit. We do not observe any evidence of the crossover behavior predicted by Schwabl and reported by Fossheim et al., nor do we see the ω2 dependence predicted by Pytte and by Schwabl.