Surveillance of febrile respiratory diseases at Lowry Air Force Base, Denver, has been maintained from 1952 to 1982 with laboratory confirmation of diagnosis. Unvaccinated recruit populations were extremely vulnerable to explosive outbreaks of influenza A. Ten controlled trials demonstrated the protective efficacy of inactivated vaccines. Recent military vaccines have raised the hemagglutination-inhibiting antibody levels of most persons into the “protective” range. Despite repeated introduction of influenza viruses onto the base, when all personnel were vaccinated the impact of influenza was reduced to an insignificant level except in one year of antigenic shift (1968) and one of major antigenic drift (1972). Adenovirus disease has been virtually eliminated since live oral types 4 and 7 vaccines have been given to incoming recruits. Rubella and rubeola have disappeared since seronegative recruits have received vaccine. Overall rates of febrile respiratory diseases have been greatly reduced.