Populations of phytoplankton in the western English Channel between 1964 and 1974

Phytoplankton data collected between 1964 and 1974 at three stations in the western English Channel were analysed by the multivariate method of correspondence analysis. The data comprised counts, logarithmically transformed, of 126 taxonomic groups in 700 samples from different depths. The first three axes from the correspondence analysis explained only 17% of the total variation, but the sample positions on these axes showed a clear mean seasonal cycle, slightly different at each station. The species fell into ten groups according to their position on the axes and to their seasonal occurrence. Differences in the position on the axes of samples from different depths on the same occasion correlated well with the temperature structure of the water column. No clear long-term trends were apparent although there were obviously large differences from year to year. The results provide a mean seasonal pattern of species succession on a quantitative basis which can be used to compare counts from different areas or to identify changes in the same area.