Double photoionization of methane

Double photoionization (DPI) of CH4 has been studied in the photon-energy range 3552 eV by the photoion-photoion coincidence (PIPICO) method. Throughout this energy range the measured DPI cross section is found to be much smaller than that of the corresponding process in the isoelectronic neon atom. Unlike the case of rare-gas atoms, where the ratio of the double- to single-photoionization cross section attains a constant value at higher energies, this ratio for methane passes through a maximum at about 47 eV. Comparison of experimental with calculated energies of CH4 2+ electronic states gives evidence that both triplet (3 T1) and singlet (1E) states are populated by ejection of two electrons from the 1t2 orbital of CH4. In agreement with the calculations of Siegbahn, our results show that the Franck-Condon factors for excitation of the T13 state are spread over a wide energy range (≃2 eV). CH4 2+ in its T13 state rapidly dissociates (via an indirect process) into CH3 +(X̃1 A1)+H +(1S), which is the most favorable dissociation pathway, both energetically and dynamically. At higher excitation energies, CH4 2+ in its E1 state dissociates into the three products CH2 +(X̃ A12)+H+(1S)+H (2S) with a 5-eV kinetic-energy release. Comparison of experimental PIPICO curves with simulated curves derived on the basis of various fragmentation models leads us to conclude that the ionic fragments CH2 + and H+ are ejected at 180° from each other and that they take almost all the available kinetic energy. This would indicate that the Coulomb repulsion between positive charges plays a dominant role in the process of dissociation into these three fragments.