Contraction and Action Potentials of Frog Heart Muscles Soaked in Sucrose Solution

Isolated auricles or ventricles from the frog continue to contract, either spontaneously or when stimulated, for from 2 to 4 hours after they are placed in isotonic sucrose solution. After the muscles stop contracting in sucrose solution, contractility is partially restored when the muscles are placed in chloride Ringer's. However, contractility is usually not restored if the muscles are placed in sulfate Ringer's. Ventricles soaked in sucrose solution at 4–7°C continue to contract for 12 to 24 hours and during the first few hours in sucrose solution the contractions often are enhanced. Several types of experiment indicate that the sucrose solution does replace the Ringer's in the extracellular space. Auricles and ventricles also continue to conduct action potentials, with an overshoot, for from 30 to 360 minutes after being placed in sucrose solution. Muscles soaked in sucrose until they are inexcitable rapidly recover in chloride Ringer's but often fail to recover in sulfate Ringer's. The results are discussed in relation to theories about the generation of the action potential in cardiac muscle, and the role of the extracellular fluid in contraction.