Retention of gaseous and target produced impurities in the ASDEX divertor chamber

This letter reports on two experiments undertaken to evaluate the retention of gaseous and target produced impurities in the ASDEX divertor. The retention for gaseous impurities was determined by puffing Ar into the main chamber and simulating the time behaviour of the Ar XVI line intensity with a time dependent impurity transport code including a simple divertor model. During Ohmic heating a factor of 3 and 4.5 enhancement of impurity retention if found relative to the vacuum time constant (90 ms) of the divertor chamber, for ne = 2 × 1013 cm−3 and ne = 3.5 × 1013 cm−3, respectively, while a drastic breakdown of the retention occurs during high power NI heating. – To deduce the retention of impurities generated at the divertor plates, a segment (3.5%) of the plates was covered with copper, a metal previously not used in ASDEX. By measuring the Cu influx at the target plates and the line intensity of the Cu XX line (11.38 Å) in the core plasma and by using the transport code, it is found that during NI heating (ne ≤ 2 × 1013 cm−3) Cu atoms originating from the target plates have a ≤ 3.5 times higher probability to penetrate into the core plasma than if they had when originating from the main chamber walls.

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