Absolute Cross Sections and Angular Distributions for Charged Particles from Lithium-Lithium Nuclear Reactions

Angular distributions in the barycentric coordinate system are presented for 24 charged-particle emissions from Li7 Li7, Li7 Li6, and Li6 Li6 interactions. These have been integrated, and the resulting total cross sections are tabulated. The total cross-section sums for a given projectile target combination are in reasonable agreement with theoretical estimates based on barrier penetration with nuclear radii given by r0A13 with r0=1.5 F. The largest total cross sections measured are approximately 40×1028 cm2. The angular distributions from Li6 Li6 and Li7 Li7 are symmetrical about 90° by necessity, those from Li7 Li6 are, in general, asymmetric and difficult to reconcile with a simple compound-nucleus interpretation of the reactions. Most of the intense particle emissions are cases in which the residual nucleus can be formed by Li7 capturing a deuteron or an alpha from Li6, or by Li6 capturing an alpha from Li7. To produce high cross sections these captures must be with l=0 between the reacting clusters. The evidence supports the hypothesis that a prominent but not necessarily exclusive reaction mechanism is for one of the Li-Li reacting partners to be distorted into "reacting clusters," consisting of an α cluster from either of the lithiums, and a deuteron cluster from Li6 or a triton cluster from Li7.