Behavioral and Electroencephalographic Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs

Feldberg and Sherwood's* previous studies of the behavior of cats after the intraventricular injection of various drugs opened up a new method of investigation. By this technique they showed that drugs injected into this area of high pharmacologic sensitivity could evoke various complex behavioral responses and conditions resembling sleep, anesthesia, profound muscular weakness, catatonia, and convulsions. Their classification of the effects characterized by certain common features of reaction suggested further experiments in which, in addition to the effects of the drug alone, antagonisms of various chemicals within the central nervous system might be studied. Of particular interest to experimental psychiatry is the possible antagonism of lysergic acid diethylamide and serotonin. Previously, Gaddum3had shown the effect of such antagonism on smooth muscle. Woolley and Shaw4hypothesized that, if such an antagonism exists, it might be an important factor in schizophrenia. Other drugs of interest behaviorally are mescaline, adrenochrome,