Glycoconjugates are stage‐ and position‐specific cell surface molecules in the developing olfactory system, 2: Unique carbohydrate antigens are topographic markers for selective projection patterns of olfactory axons

Three monoclonal antibodies specific for different carbohydrate antigens were used to analyze the development of the olfactory system in rats. CC2 antibodies react with a subset of main olfactory neurons, their axons, and terminals in the olfactory bulb. CC2 antigens are expressed on dorsomedial neurons in the olfactory epithelium (OE) from embryonic (E) day 15 to adults. In the olfactory bulb (OB), only dorsomedially located glomeruli express CC2 glycoconjugates from postnatal day (P) 2 to adults. Thus CC2 defines a dorsomedially organized projection that is established early in embryonic development and continues in adults. P‐Path antibodies react with antigens that are expressed on the olfactory nerve in embryos, and are also detected on cell bodies in the neuroepithelium and in glomeruli of the OB at P2. At P14, P‐Path staining is weaker, but remains present on many cells in the epithelium and in many glomeruli in the bulb. Postnatally, P‐Path immunostaining continues to decrease in most regions of the OE and OB. At P35 and afterwards, only a few P‐Path‐positive neuronal cells can be detected in the OE. Furthermore, after P35 only two groups of glomeruli in the OB are P‐Path immunoreactive. One is situated adjacent to the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) at the dorsocaudal surface of the OB. The other is adjacent to the AOB at the ventrocaudal surface of the OB. Thus, in adults, P‐Path glycoconjugates are expressed in neurons and axons that project only to a specific subset of caudal glomeruli of the OB. Monoclonal antibody 1B2, reacts with β‐galactose‐terminating glycolipids and glycoproteins. At P2, 1B2 immunoreactivity is seen on a subset of cell bodies that are distributed throughout the OE and is expressed in most glomeruli in the OB at this age. By P35 and in adults, 1B2 continues to be expressed on a subset of neurons in the OE that project to only a small subset of glomeruli in the OB. Unlike CC2 and P‐Path antigens that define specific groups of glomeruli, 1B2‐immunoreactive glomeruli do not have a detectable spatial pattern. It is more likely that 1B2 antigens define a specific stage in the maturation of connections between the OE and OB.