Biosynthesis of glycoproteins: effect of injury on seromucoid fraction of rat plasma

Increased appearance of glucosamlne-14C in the seromucold fraction of plasma occurred in turpentine- and carrageenln-treated rats, and also when isolated livers of normal rats were perfused with blood of turpentine-treated rats. Actinomycin-D had no effect on the increased appearance of glucosamine-14C in the seromucoid fraction due to turpentine injury. The addition of nonlabeled plasma from turpentine-treated rats to plasma of normal rats labeled with glucosa-mlne-14c resulted in an increase of radioactivity in the seromucoid fraction proportional to the amount of "injury plasma" added. Thus, at least part of the increase in radioactivity in the seromucoid fraction was due to a solublllzing effect of the seromucolds of injured rats on glycoproteins normally precipitated by perchloric acid.