Flow Dialysis as a Means of Preserving Bovine Semen at Room Temperature

A flow dialysis technique was developed and used to prolong the life of bull sperm at room temperatures. Samples of undiluted semen in dialysis sacs were suspended in constantly flowing media of egg yolk-citrate, of milk, and of blood products. Undiluted semen controls in test tubes at room temperature lived for about 24 hours; whereas, portions of the same samples undiluted in dialysis sacs survived for a week, with a yolk-citrate media constantly passing the sacs. Survival was better with the yolk-citrate mixture in the flow dialysis system than with any of the other media tried. Sperm life was supported better at room temperature than at 5[degree]C in the flow dialysis system. Bubbling O2 through yolk-citrate media decreased the survival time of sperm compared to no gassing, whereas N2 improved survival. Results from gassing with CO2 varied from much improvement in survival at times to reduced survival in others. Further studies on the effects of CO2 on bull sperm are in progress.