Cloning and Expression of pca Genes from Pseudomonas putida in Escherichia coli

.beta.-Ketoadipate elicits expression of five structural pcs genes encoding enzymes that catalyse consecutive reactions in the utilization of protocatechuate by Pseudomonas putida. Three derivatives of P. putida PRS2000 were obtained, each carrying a single copy of Tn5 DNA inserted into a separate region of the genome and preventing expression of different sets of pca genes. Selection of Tn5 in or near the pca genes in these derivatives was used to clone four structural pca genes and to enable their expression as inserts in pUC19 carried in Escherichia coli. Three of the genes were clustered as components of an apparent operon in the order pcaBDC. This observation indicates that rearrangement of the closely linked genes accompanied divergence of their evolutionary homologues, which are known to appear in the order pcaDBC in the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus pcaEFDBCA gene cluster. Additional evidence for genetic reorganization during evolutionary divergence emerged from the demonstration that the P. putida pcaE gene lies more than 15 kilobase pairs (kbp) away from the pcaBDC operon. An additional P. putida gene, pcaR, was shown to be required for expression of the pca structural genes in response to .beta.-ketoadipate. The regulatory pcaR gene is located about 15kbp upstream from the pcaBDC operon.