Temerity born of ignorance would seem the only judgment to be passed upon one who would offer any further contribution upon the cure of hernia. The eighty closely printed quarto pages of the "Index Catalogue" of our National Library, giving only titles and authors, would presuppose an exhausted subject. Notwithstanding, from the Fathers to the present, the cure of hernia has remained in large degree an unsolved surgical problem, and the sale of supports and trusses increases with each decade. This paper is of narrow limit and has but the one definite object —that of teaching a single method of cure which the writer would commend in operative cases; yet, the importance of the subject demands brief notice. Although hernia in all classes and ages, from infancy to old age, is a matter of daily observation by our profession, the statistics of Dr. J. H. Baxter, giving 5 per cent,