Decay ofNb92

The decay scheme of Nb92 has been reexamined. Levels at 0.934 Mev (97.4% per disintegration) and 1.82 Mev (2.6%) were found. The 1.82-Mev state decays by 32% to the ground state and 68% to the 0.934-Mev state. This is in agreement with the work of Hayward, Hoppes, and Ernst. In addition a weak positron branch of (5.6±0.6)×102% per disintegration was found going to the 0.934-Mev level. Also, the angular correlation of the gamma-ray cascade was measured and found to be uniquely consistent with a level assignment of 2+, 2+, 0+, with essentially pure M1 radiation (E2 admixture 2+, 2+ transition. The large amount of M1 radiation in this type of transition is quite exceptional. Simple theoretical considerations indicate the gamma-ray transitions to be of the single-particle type.