Obesity modulates the expression of haptoglobin in the white adipose tissue via TNFα

Increase in adipose mass results in obesity and modulation of several factors in white adipose tissue (WAT). Two important examples are tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and leptin, both of which are upregulated in adipose tissue in obesity. In order to isolate genes differentially expressed in the WAT of genetically obese db/db mice compared to their lean littermates, we performed RNA fingerprinting and identified haptoglobin (Hp), which is significantly upregulated in the obese animals. Hp is a glycoprotein induced by a number of cytokines, LPS (Lipopolysaccharide), and more generally by inflammation. A significant upregulation of WAT Hp expression was also evident in several experimental obese models including the yellow agouti (/) Ay, ob/ob and goldthioglucose‐treated mice (10‐, 8‐, and 7‐fold, respectively). To identify the potential signals for an increase in Hp expression in obesity, we examined leptin and TNFα in vivo. Wild type animals treated with recombinant leptin did not show any alteration in WAT Hp expression compared to controls that were food restricted to the level of intake of the treated animals. On the other hand, Hp expression was induced in mice transgenically expressing TNFα in adipose tissue. Finally, a significant downregulation of WAT Hp mRNA was observed in ob/ob mice deficient in TNFα function, when compared to the ob/ob controls. These results demonstrate that haptoglobin expression in WAT is increased in obesity in rodents and TNFα is an important signal for this regulation. J. Cell. Physiol. 190: 251–258, 2002.
Funding Information
  • Telethon Foundation (n.16cp)
  • NIH (DK52539, E.739)
  • MURST-Italy (9706276576_008)