Phonon dispersion curves of nonstoichiometricNb3Ge

The phonon dispersion curves of nonstoichiometric Nb3Ge (Tc=6 K) have been investigated by inelastic neutron scattering. Despite the small size of the sample (0.1 cm3) most of the branches along the main symmetry directions, including the highest-energy modes, have been determined. No drastic anomalies were observed and temperature effects were found to be small. The results can be well described by a Bornvon Kármán model with axially symmetric forces up to the seventh-nearest neighbors. In a search for electron-phonon coupling effects our results for Nb3(Ge0.8 Nb0.2) are compared to previous results obtained on the low-Tc compound NbcSb (Tc≃0.2 K). The major differences between the lattice dynamics of the two compounds were found to be (i) a reduction of the Nb-Ge interaction by 35% compared to the Nb-Sb interaction and (ii) the low frequency of modes in Nb3(Ge0.8 Nb0.2) which involve a ‘‘buckling’’ of the Nb chains.