Circadian Rhythm of Total Protein Synthesis in the Cytoplasm and Chloroplasts ofGonyaulaxpolyedra

Protein synthesis of Gonyaulax polyedra was analyzed by means of electron microscopic autoradiographs under constant conditions at different times of the 24-hr cycle. Circadian rhythmic changes in the synthesis rate of total protein were determined in the cytoplasm and chloroplasts of growing cells. Three independent series of experiments in constant light showed a maximum of grains per unit area during the 'subjective' dark phase (=phase that corresponds to the dark phase during a 12:12 hr LD cycle) in both compartments. Minimum and maximum grain number are different by a factor of 5–10. The maximum of total protein synthesis coincided with the maximum phase shift by cycloheximide pulses (1) suggesting protein species within the total pool involved in the mechanism of the circadian clock. A similar rhythm of lower amplitude was observed in the mitochondria, but this rhythm cannot with certainty be attributed to these organelles. In a slowly growing culture a rhythm of total protein synthesis was observed that showed a smaller amplitude and a different phasing.