Spin, Quadrupole Moment, and Mass of Selenium-75

The microwave spectrum of OCSe75 has been observed and from it the spin, quadrupole moment, and mass of Se75 were measured. Frequencies of the six observed lines of the J=23 rotational transition give a nuclear spin of 52, a quadrupole coupling constant eqQ=946.0 Mc/sec, and a rotational constant B0=4081.926 Mc/sec. From these and other known properties of the OCSe molecule, one obtains the quadrupole moment of Se75 as Q=1.1×1024 cm2±20 percent, and the mass ratio (MSe75MSe76)(MSe75MSe80)=0.199566±0.000030. The odd-even mass difference for Se75 is 1.5±0.2 mMU. The observed spin disagrees with that expected from the shell model which predicts a spin of ½ or 92. Three possible nuclear configurations which agree with the observed spin and also indicate a positive quadrupole moment are [p12(g92)2]52, (g92)352, and (f52)552. Magnetic moment measurements are needed to clearly distinguish between configurations. The sample material was obtained by bombarding arsenic with deuterons. Approximately 1½ micrograms of sample material were produced but only 0.07 microgram could be used in each spectroscopic run because of difficulties in synthesizing OCSe.