The reaction Ca40(d,p)Ca41 was studied and Q-values of 6.17, 4.22, 3.76, 2.31 Mev were found. Four additional Q-values 3.2, 2.9, 2.7, 2.5 Mev are probable. The mass increment (A41 - A40) - (Ca41 - Ca40) = 2.54±0.03 mMU was obtained by comparing the end groups of the two reactions A40(d,p)A41 and Ca40(d,p)Ca41. These data combined with data from two other nuclear reactions give the mass difference Ca40 - A40 = 0.27±0.21 mMU, indicating that A40 is slightly more stable than Ca40. This mass difference is compared with data on the radioactive decay of K40, showing that the assignment of the 1.55-Mev γ-ray to K40A40 K-capture process is reasonable.

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