IN 1887 Kaposi1 described a varicella-like eruption for which the name "eczema herpetiformis'' seemed most appropriate to him. However, the name "eczema herpetiformis'' has not been generally accepted, and, instead, the dermatosis has been commonly recognized under the name "Kaposi's varicelliform eruption." In 1947 Sulzberger and Baer2 suggested the name "disseminated cutaneous herpes simplex,'' and we believe that this is still the most satisfactory name for the disease. DESCRIPTION OF THE ERUPTION This dermatosis is an acute eruptive febrile condition which is seen most frequently as a complication of atopic dermatitis and which can complicate other primary skin diseases. It is characterized by the sudden development of lentil-sized vesicles, many of which quickly become umbilicated. They are grouped and appear in crops over a period of three or four days to a week. The affected areas become intensely swollen, edematous and at times very painful. While the