Recombination and Ion-Conversion Processes of Argon Ions

The properties of Ar+ and Ar2+ were studied in helium-argon mixtures by means of the afterglow method. The time dependence of the number density of these ions was measured by massspectrometric techniques. The temporal behavior of the intensity of various spectral lines was also determined. The studies established the occurrence of the collisional recombination process Ar++2eAr+e+hν, while they confirmed the importance of the dissociative recombination process Ar2++eAr+Ar+hν. The collisional process appeared to populate all levels studied, while the dissociative process selectively populated the 2p and 3p energy levels. The only ion-molecule—association reaction observed for argon concentrations between 0.01 and 5% was Ar++Ar+He→Ar2++He. The rate constant was found to be 8.0×1032 cm6 sec1. The value of the mobility of Ar+ in the helium-argon mixtures obeyed Blanc's Law.