Extensive telomere repeat arrays in mouse are hypervariable

In this study we have analysed mouse telomeres by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresls (PFGE). A number of specific restriction fragments hybridising to a (TTAGGG)4 probe in the size range 50–150kb can be detected. These fragments are devoid of sites for most restriction enzymes suggesting that they comprise simple repeats; we argue that most of these are likely to be (TTAGGG)n. Each discrete fragment corresponds to the telomere of an individual chromosome and segregates as a Mendelian character. However, new size variants are being generated In the germ line at very high rates such that inbred mice are heterozygous at all telomeres analysable. In addition we show that specific small (∼4–12kb) fragments can be cleaved within some terminal arrays by the restriction enzyme Mnll which recognises 5′(N7)GAGG3′. Like the complete telomere-repeat arrays (TRA's) these fragments form new variants at high rates and possibly by the same process. We speculate on the mechanisms that may be involved.