The early Stages of West African Mosquitos.—VI

In this paper are described the early stages of a few more West African mosquitos. All the specimens were collected in the Gold Coast, and most of them at Accra or in the neighbourhood of that town. In drawing up descriptions of larvae we have followed the usual plan, but in the case of the setae on the head have given, when necessary, the terms employed by W. D. Lang in his admirable handbook of British Mosquitos. In drawing up descriptions of pupae we have used the terms (and lettering) suggested by one of us in his account of the chaetotaxy of the pupa of Stegomyia fasciata (Aëdes argenteus).* We have once more to express our indebtedness to Dr. G. A. K. Marshall, of the Imperial Bureau of Entomology, and to Mr. F. W. Edwards, of the British Museum, for help and advice and for the identification of species, and to Mr. A. J. Engel Terzi for his skilful execution of the figures.