Oxidation state and lattice expansion ofCeO2xnanoparticles as a function of particle size

Cerium oxide nanoparticles CeO2x (∼3–20 nm in diameter) made by a vapor phase condensation method, have been studied by several methods of transmission electron microscopy (TEM): electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), high resolution imaging, and electron diffraction. The white-line ratios M5/M4 of the EELS spectra were used to determine the relative amounts of cerium ions Ce3+ and Ce4+ as a function of particle size. The fraction of Ce3+ ions in the particles rapidly increased with decreasing particle size below ∼15 nm in diameter. The particles were completely reduced to CeO1.5 at the diameter of <∼3 nm. This reduced cerium oxide has a fluorite structure which is the same as that of bulk CeO2. Also, EELS spectra taken from the edge and center of the particle indicated that for larger particles the valence reduction of cerium ions occurs mainly at the surface, forming a CeO1.5 layer and leaving the core as essentially CeO2. A micromechanical model based on linear elasticity was used to explain the lattice expansion of the CeO2x nanoparticles. Comparing our results with previously published works indicates that the amount of CeO1.5 in CeO2x nanoparticles is a strong function of the particular synthesis methods used to make these particles.