Thirty-six habitually dayworking railway repairmen were exposed to a 3 week period of nightwork. The subjects were studied with respect to circadian rhythms in catecholamine excretion, body temperature, subjective alertness and mood. For half the group the measurements covered one 24 h period before nightwork, the first week of night work, the third week of night work, and the first week after return to day work. For the other half measurements were made during the first and third day week after the night work. During day work weeks all variables exhibited pronounced circadian variation, peaking in the early afternoon, with the exception of body temperature which reached its maximum in the evening. During the first week of night work the day-oriented pattern of adrenaline excretion persisted but the mean 24 h level was increased and day sleep levels were very high. By the third week of night work thecircadian pattern had flattened out at a very low mean level. For noradrenaline excretion considerable adjustment (comparable to an inversion) to night work was seen with high night values. For body temperature, selfrated alertness and mood circadian functions flattened out during night work. It was concluded that all variables were strongly affected by the exposure to night work and that adrenaline excretion indicated a stress response of the organism. With reference to other studies it was also concluded that adrenaline excretion is not easily phase-shifted through a three week spell on night work, while noradrenaline in contrast appears to adjust very rapidly.