Genetic Control of the Reaction to Histamine in Mice after Sensitization with Pertussis Vaccine

A genetic investigation has been made to find evidence for a single major gene controlling the reaction of mice to histamine after sensitization with pertussis vaccine. Two inbred mouse strains were chosen: A2G/Lac, which is very insensitive, and C57BR/cd, which is very sensitive. Mice of these strains, and of their F1, F2 and reciprocal backcross progenies, were used to elucidate the genetic segregation. The method depends on the selective sensitivity of the F1 mice to the dilution of the sensitizing vaccine. The results point towards the control of reactivity to histamine by a single major locus, and to a loose association of non-sensitivity with the albino gene. A method is outlined for testing that this association is due to linkage in group I. A comparison is made between this reaction and the anaphylactoid reaction in rats, and suggestions are made for its use in the furtherance of the understanding of allergy and anaphylaxis.