Management of 1,590 Consecutive Cases of Liver Trauma

• Between 1939 and 1974, more than 1,500 patients have been treated for penetrating or blunt liver trauma at our institution. Gunshot wounds and major blunt trauma have increased, stab wounds decreased, as percent of total. In most cases techniques other than partial hepatic resection were used, although this was performed in 49 instances. Choledochostomy was infrequently employed. Intracaval shunts were useful in 15 selected patients with massive hepatic, concomitant suprarenal vena caval, or hepatic vein injuries. The overall mortality of this group was 13.1%. The improvement in mortality from liver injuries is attributable to (1) early exploration for suspected intra-abdominal traumatic injury, (2) a conservative approach to the liver injury, and (3) the limitation of lobar resection, vascular cannulae, and afferent vascular compression to highly selected cases. (Arch Surg 111:493-497, 1976)