The effect of the delta snbunit on the interaction ofBacillus subtilisRNA polymerase with bases in a SP82 early gene promoter

We have examined the effect of the delta subunit on the interaction of the Bacillus subtilis RNA polymerase with an early gene promoter of phage SP82 Methylatlon by dimethyl sulfate, used to probe close approaches of polymerase to purines, revealed that noninitiated complexes formed by holoenzyme (core-sigma-delta) had significantly fewer contacts than complexes formed by core-sigma. The presence or absence of delta had little or no effect on close approaches to purines in initiated complexes. DNAase I footprinting indicated that core-s1gma was bound to the same region regardless of whether delta, initiating nucleotides, or both, were present. These data support the conclusion that delta acts prior to initiation to enhance promoter selectivity by limiting the number of possible interactions that the polymerase can make with DNA.