Integration of an Immunosorbent Assay System: Analysis of Secretory Human Immunoglobulin A on Polystyrene Beads in a Microchip

An immunosorbent assay system was integrated into a glass microchip. Polystyrene beads were introduced into a microchannel, and then human secretory immunoglobulin A (s-IgA) adsorbed on the bead surface was reacted with colloidal gold conjugated anti-s-IgA antibody and detected by a thermal lens microscope. The scale merits of liquid microspace on the molecular behavior remarkably contributed to reduced assay time. The integration cut the time necessary for the antigen−antibody reaction by 1/90, thus shortening the overall analysis time from 24 h to less than 1 h. Moreover, troublesome operations required for conventional immunosorbent assays could be replaced by simple operations.