Cervicogenic Headache: Pupillometric Findings

Eleven female patients with cervicogenic headache (mean age, 43 years; range, 25–59 years) have been examined with the pupillometer. The pupillary diameter was examined in the basal state (that is, the status before pharmacologic stimulation) and after topically administered tyramine (2%), phenylephrine (1%), and hydroxyamphetamine (1%). A total of 51 tests were performed, 35 in the asymptomatic period and 16 during pain attacks. In a control group consisting of 26 age-matched women a total of 39 tests were carried out. Before pharmacologic stimulation (that is, in the “basal state”) the pupils were smaller in the asymptomatic (pain-free) period than during pain attacks in the patients and also as compared with that of control individuals. The anisocoria (the difference in pupillary size in the same individual) observed was not significantly different between the patient group and control individuals either in the basal state (before pharmacologic stimulation) or after pharmacologic stimulation. The mydriasis resulting from the instillation of the three sympathicomimetic drugs was symmetrical in both controls and patients both during and between the pain attacks. This finding is in clear contrast to what is found in cluster headache, in which there is a “Horner-like” syndrome on the symptomatic side. These two headaches thus seem to differ essentially with regard to this variable.