Effect of Various Polymers on Formulation of Controlled Release (CR) Ibuprofen Tablets by Fluid Bed Technique

The need for controlled release (CR) formulations of ibuprofen tablet, is well recognized. Some such formulations have been marketed but in general only patented. The purpose of this study was to develop an air suspension method, using a laboratory scale fluidized bed drier to coat the ibuprofen granules. Different polymers including, Eudragits L100, S100, RL100, RS100, L100+S100 (1:1), RL100+RS100 (1:1), ethyl cellulose (EC) and Eudragit RS100+EC (1:1) were utilized. The drug release medium consisted of buffer pH 1.2 for 1st 2h, buffer pH 4.5 for 2nd 2h and buffer pH 7.5 for remaining period of time in all experiments, but the release behaviour of the drug from some formulations was also studied using distilled water. Of the polymers investigated, Eudragit RS100, EC, Eudragit S100 and Eudragit RS100+EC (1:1) exhibited proper release characteristics when used as coating materials. The release patterns were analyzed from the standpoint of diffusion-controlled processes and as first-order kinetics.