Isolation of Chlamydia psittaci from a patient with interstitial keratitis and uveitis associated with otological and cardiovascular lesions.

A case history of a 15 yr old schoolgirl with fluctuating bilateral uveitis, bilateral stromal keratitis with vascularization and bilateral deafness associated with tinnitus and balance disturbance is described. At 3 yr from the onset of the clinical signs she died of a sudden cardiac arrest caused by endocarditis associated with valvular and arterial lesions. C. psittaci was isolated from the conjunctiva. In the blood type-specific antichlamydial antibody at a level of 1/64 against her own isolate was detected. The clinical findings in this patient were suggestive of a Cogan''s syndrome. The chlamydia isolated from the eyes was probably responsible for the various lesions.