Epidemiologic studies in Olympic year 1984 suggest that personal athleticism alters trends in life-style and coronary heart disease. Analysis of 572 first attacks among 16,936 Harvard alumni, 1962-1972, and 1413 total deaths, 1962-1978, shows that habitual postcollege exercise, not student sports play, predicts low coronary heart disease risk. Sedentary alumni, even ex-varsity athletes, have high risk. Sedentary students becoming physically active alumni acquire low risk. Exercise benefit is independent of contrary life-style elements (smoking, obesity, weight gain, hypertension and adverse parental disease history) in affecting coronary heart disease incidence. Hypertension is clinically the strongest predictor of coronary attack, but inadequate exercise is strongest on a community basis. Exercise level is inversely related to total, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality but less related to cancer or unnatural deaths. The current exercise revolution may improve life-style, cardiovascular health and longevity.